wow ive been having fun actually lately. skating party was awesome, so many showed up and all had a good time even if there was bruses left on all.
My new hours rock 9 to 5 monday through friday, WOW ive never worked those hours.
I just got my tickets( airplne, condo, amusement park) to go to Jersey this summer and ride rollercoasters. Im excited.
yeah fo' real like sydni said.
been along time since i updated but ill do it now
my friend has beenin town for a long while so my time has been taken up with antics and debachery.
My rollerskating party is a go on monday and i believe we eill have a mass turn out. work then see enon work then see spoon work and rollerskate that is my weekend
damn! i wanna go to a rollerskating party. promise you will have another once i get up there?
I have band practice frown. Please don't hate me.

I have weekends open now though, so I'll be around. Get my number from julie or onj. wink

I miss you guys.
what a week, so much i did and lots of fun most was. I have little time so ill tell later
i have photographs of some of the fun in my folder. feel free to grab one for your profile if'n you like.
hey, cant wait to go rollerskating!! eeek
camping ahead
i get head aches often at night i think its the light
hey man thanks for coming out. It was cool meeting you and making pitchers go empty.
hey! it was great meeting you and yer pal. thanks for humoring me with the arm wrestling. i dont know what it is with me and tests of upper body strength... whatever
updating in a good mood, everything is going well here in the rainy city, and yeah it has been lately.
Friend coming from SLC and camping will be happening
yes still heading up that way. May 26th through june 3rd
you're birthday is soon, right?
random but brief
i update so therefore i have value
argue as you will
I've never cooked with quinoa, so I vote no!
Actually, the sign was posted quite near to a Catholic church shocked But I was just using the photo as a stand in for the state of my physical health these past few days... skull

I would argue the whole "I update, therefore I have value"
thing, but you know, I am still weak from my illness. wink biggrin
updating is do hard for me. I come to the site at least every other day but i have nothinf to look forward to but the photoshoots which i like, dislike, hate , love, find amusing, find distracting. I know my level of trying has been small but ilike people and want to meet, and or corispond with them. screw spelling i know im wrong....
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it's on page 19, in case you couldn't find it.
join the seattle sg group and go and meet them.

I never expected to make as many friends as I have when I joined this site. I hang with atlanta people quite a bit now and have a lot of fun. It brings more to the table as far as being a part of sg. It also expands your circle of friends in real life and on sg as well, which means more people commenting on your journals, wanting to know what you are up to.

just an idea.
ive been driving and going to the gym. thats all my life intils. I had an operation over a year ago and man is it a bitch to get all muscles working again
hey you.. i was in portland this weekend with nixon bare ass nude dancing in front of me, now damn, that was hot.... just thought i would gloat a little because i noticed she was one of your favorites.. i had to add her to mine directly afterwards, cause she is hot... yeah.. and cool.. thanks for the email.. wink
its my holliday and i will do what i want. I havent decided what that is yet but i will do it when i do.
i decided if i ever get a camera ill post what i actually look like, but alas without the means it can not happen

oh yeah breaking news i got my liciense, drivers that is, for the first time in...
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you should get onjoli to take your pic.
I don't know where you are, but if you like Karaoke, you should come out with us. It's fun. we go to the ghettoness that is the rickshaw.
im going back to salt lake city at the end of this month for a few days. I wish i could say it was going to be fun, but naw
my life seems to be up and down so much lately, but i think i like it like that, or at least getting use to it.
music of the week- Big Business- "Head for the...
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hey man...i just bought tickets for Sasquatch. Plan on flying up for the weekend.

You going?
sounds good....I may end up going by myself if I can't interest anyone down here into going with me.