The following is nothing but bitching. Yes, things could be worse. But they could be a lot better too, so take your optimistic attitude and... nevermind. You didn't do anything wrong. I'm sorry.
(I'm kidding - I'm not really *that* bitchy. I just need somewhere to vent.
-One of my (two) wisdom teeth has decided to start poking through my gums at the most akward, painful angle imaginable. It's not growing out straight, it's growing out sideways... So, the bottom of the tooth is essentially angling itself out of the side of my gums. It hurts enough that I WANT them to pull it out. NOW. (But I can't even get in to see the dentist until Wednesday... So who knows how long it'll be until I can get the tooth pulled.)
- I've been sick with some sinus/cold/flu thing for the past few days. Lots of dizziness, lots of hot/cold, lots of stuffy nose-sore throat-cough-headache stuff. And now my nose and surrounding area is absolutely raw due to all of the kleenex I've rubbed across it. Ouch.
-My tattoo is flaking quite excessively, and it's driving me crazy. Okay, probably not "excessively" but when you have an obsessive compulsive "picking at stuff" issue, and you absolutely can not pick at something, it seems pretty excessive.
-I have an appointment to get a tattoo tomorrow am, but since I'm sick I'm not sure it's gonna fly. Also, I stubbed my toe walking up the stairs today and ripped off half of my toenail OF COURSE on the foot that I want my tattoo on. So now my foot looks all gross. I tried to convince myself that
a) he's probably seen feet much more beastly than mine
b) if it bothers me that much I can just get the tattoo on my other foot
but no. I just don't feel any better.
-And to top it all off... while I was busy writing this the cheese I was baking on top of my pasta burnt. sigh...
(I'm kidding - I'm not really *that* bitchy. I just need somewhere to vent.

-One of my (two) wisdom teeth has decided to start poking through my gums at the most akward, painful angle imaginable. It's not growing out straight, it's growing out sideways... So, the bottom of the tooth is essentially angling itself out of the side of my gums. It hurts enough that I WANT them to pull it out. NOW. (But I can't even get in to see the dentist until Wednesday... So who knows how long it'll be until I can get the tooth pulled.)
- I've been sick with some sinus/cold/flu thing for the past few days. Lots of dizziness, lots of hot/cold, lots of stuffy nose-sore throat-cough-headache stuff. And now my nose and surrounding area is absolutely raw due to all of the kleenex I've rubbed across it. Ouch.

-My tattoo is flaking quite excessively, and it's driving me crazy. Okay, probably not "excessively" but when you have an obsessive compulsive "picking at stuff" issue, and you absolutely can not pick at something, it seems pretty excessive.
-I have an appointment to get a tattoo tomorrow am, but since I'm sick I'm not sure it's gonna fly. Also, I stubbed my toe walking up the stairs today and ripped off half of my toenail OF COURSE on the foot that I want my tattoo on. So now my foot looks all gross. I tried to convince myself that
a) he's probably seen feet much more beastly than mine
b) if it bothers me that much I can just get the tattoo on my other foot
but no. I just don't feel any better.
-And to top it all off... while I was busy writing this the cheese I was baking on top of my pasta burnt. sigh...
Enjoy you're pasta, been there done that. Muah