i am sitting back to do a little, uh, work tonight. if all goes well and good, i shall be speaking soon to spike jonze, chris cunningham and michel gondry about their participation in the directors series dvd that palm pictures is putting out. already, i'm glad that i took this assignment, as the work they've done is simultaneously funny, beautiful, trippy and just stunning to look at. i'm hoping i actually do get to talk to them about it.
at either rate, i will be attending the premiere party in da-da-da ho-llywood. will be bringing my friend jesselynn in with me. all i had to tell her was that bjork was spinning afterwards, and that was good enough for her.
so it looks like my hand's been forced upon deciding upon my first tattoo. a writer in brooklyn named shelley jackson is doing a book entitled the ineradicable stain, and each word will be tattoed onto a different body. 2500 people are participating and only those participants will know the whole story. given my interests in interactive fiction, how could i say no?
well, she gave me the go-ahead, so soon i'll be getting a release form and all of that. so whaddaya know about that? well, best to get back to "human nature," which some of you charlie kaufman fans out there may be very familiar with.
at either rate, i will be attending the premiere party in da-da-da ho-llywood. will be bringing my friend jesselynn in with me. all i had to tell her was that bjork was spinning afterwards, and that was good enough for her.
so it looks like my hand's been forced upon deciding upon my first tattoo. a writer in brooklyn named shelley jackson is doing a book entitled the ineradicable stain, and each word will be tattoed onto a different body. 2500 people are participating and only those participants will know the whole story. given my interests in interactive fiction, how could i say no?

well, she gave me the go-ahead, so soon i'll be getting a release form and all of that. so whaddaya know about that? well, best to get back to "human nature," which some of you charlie kaufman fans out there may be very familiar with.
ahh, The Lottery... what a lot of fun that was.
anyway, you should never be intrigued by the things i say. i'm mostly crazy and talk out of my ass a lot.
go see "Kill Bill" its worth it.
and have a nice day...