Well...I guess it'll soon be time to move out of this apt, them fools uped my rent at the end of my lease....up enough to were I can't really afford to stay...so my options are, 1) find a cheaper place that I can afford alone, 2) find a place with a roomate, or 3) move back to palm coast....which is the very very very last resort.
Roomates are fun, as long as they carry their weight. I hate it when people mooch. But if the person they're mooching off of doesn't do shit about it you can't exactly blame em' for doing it. Sorry, hehehe, Good Luck finding a place to live. Everything always works out for the best if you give it time... Damn I sound so old personish... x.KisSeS.x x.RoArIe.x
still plan on tagging along tonight?