New post sans existential crisis.
There is really nothing new in my life, everything is pretty much as it was.
Grandfather is still the same, and has yet to catch those kittens [1].
Work has been shit, sometimes literally. Oh the glamorous life I lead.
I applied to work at Scripp's Encinitas in the rehab facility, so fingers crossed I can get in there.
I have had just about enough of these crazy people. If I am not being called every name but my own they are scratching, hitting, biting or throwing some sort of liquid at me. It's fucking awesome. Seriously.
Now I will stop bitching and thank everyone who wished my grandpa and I well. I really do appreciate it. ♥♥♥
There is really nothing new in my life, everything is pretty much as it was.
Grandfather is still the same, and has yet to catch those kittens [1].
Work has been shit, sometimes literally. Oh the glamorous life I lead.
I applied to work at Scripp's Encinitas in the rehab facility, so fingers crossed I can get in there.
I have had just about enough of these crazy people. If I am not being called every name but my own they are scratching, hitting, biting or throwing some sort of liquid at me. It's fucking awesome. Seriously.
Now I will stop bitching and thank everyone who wished my grandpa and I well. I really do appreciate it. ♥♥♥
Some days the sun shines . . . . other days the bluebird of happiness shits on your head!
Read my current journal.
Be well sweetie!