so i think im gonna make this my last day on suicide girls even though i have 10 days left.....i really have no desire to post any more blogs. the chatroom is full of bitches (the main reason im leaving), the only thing i do is read other peoples blogs. and occasionally look at boobs, and thats even become tiresome since i can look at...
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happy trails or something. I agree with you on the chat thing. Thats why I only stick with the psw group at nights in chat. the rest just drops my IQ to the point were jumping off a building sounds like a must
[YOUTUBE]<a href="">A CRACK HEAD LOOSES HIS FUCKING MIND AND ATTACKS PEOPLE</a><br><embed src="" flashvars="m=2023415141&type=video" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="430" height="346"></embed><br><a href=" CRACK HEAD LOOSES HIS FUCKING MIND AND ATTACKS PEOPLE">Add to My Profile</a> | <a href=""> More Videos</a>[/YOUTUBE]
nothing to say,nothing to do...oh i am bored today.
do you have myspace ?? if you do add me so we can keep iin random touch

so this is it. my final month in SG....only 2 weeks to go and im out. really glad that my 12 month subscription didnt kick in yet. that would have been a huge waste......

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO don't leave me!!
good luck with the jury duty.
btw that band was called mika i am not too keen on there other stuff but that sound is good really he should sing for queen he can hit those high notes just as good as freddie
btw that band was called mika i am not too keen on there other stuff but that sound is good really he should sing for queen he can hit those high notes just as good as freddie

Sleeping pills aren't that good!
Hello new friend.