best friend
The one friend who is closest to you.
Other places like Wikipedia, and various others state a 'best' friend as someone who is:
Nonjudgmental, understanding, and willing. Honest and loyal.
So when someone who i consider to be my best friend in the whole world, someone who's alot like a brother to me; Comes up and suddenly accuses me of stealing from him, without proper cause or proof. Then continues to accuse me of stealing from other friends, and yet cannot come up with any items or instances where i have actually done so, or been accused of from others.
I hold honesty and loyalty very high when it comes to friendships, and so when something like this happens it hits hard, and hurts. From regular people i can shrug it off as stupidity or something else...but from someone i held in such a high regard...that just aint right ya know.