Ugh...what is it about waking up in the morning that makes it so crappy and hard to do.
I get the same amount of sleep as i normally would when i was up all night and sleep all day...

So why is it i find myself dragging my ass and feeling like crap?

All in all...sleeping like a 'normal' person....blows mad
Haha sleeping is an odd thing.
If I wake up early by myself I'm good, but if someone wakes me up early, I'm pissed the wholeeee day.
Or if i know that I will only be able to get a couple hours of sleep, I'll just stay up because I know it will be better off.
Don't ask why I felt the need to rant about sleeping on your blog haha.

Waking up does really suck though.
Yay! Its raining finally!
although its the the cold, just before the fall type of rain...

Ohwell...its rain!
rain is good! i love a lawn of nice green grass, and being in the rain getting wet !!! xox
So, i really should get off my fat arse and actually build the wardrobe and kitchen standup cupboard thingy i got last week. They're still in their boxes...on in the kitchen and one in my bedroom...and its kinda finally starting to bug me. Ive stubbed my toes i dunno how many times now. *sigh*

I need a woman to push me to do these things...
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So i finally got to play Halo 3..FINALLY x_X

And i beat it on Heroic in less than 4 hours...

Im slightly dissapointed in that..I was hoping it would have taken me atleast a week to do so.

And the Ending....all i have to say is WTF!
So i got myself a job finally.
Im workin at a truckstop, doin the graveyard shift for cashier/stock/matienance/whatever they need me to do haha.
Gonna be making $13/hr to start...not bad for a temporary job untill i can find something better. *shurgs*

Soon enough ill have money again TT____TT im so happy
So ive gotten just about all my stuff moved into my new place here in Strathmore.
The only stuff remaining is all the boxes i left behind at my parents place when i first moved to Red Deer. I have so much space to work with now i dunno what to do with it all. =/
Ive never owned my own place haha...there has always...
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Dictionary.com says the term Best Friend is as follows:

best friend
The one friend who is closest to you.

Other places like Wikipedia, and various others state a 'best' friend as someone who is:
Nonjudgmental, understanding, and willing. Honest and loyal.

So when someone who i consider to be my best friend in the whole world, someone who's alot like a brother to...
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And we'll move on, through the night. Those that follow will show their true caliber...

Side note...went to see Batman finally...im in love haha.
So i had a nice talk with someone tonight, has some self realizations due to this conversation. It seems that this person believes that I'm a guarded person..and that it hinders my ability to move on with, or get a relationship in the first place.
Talking online it allows me to open up and be myself because i don't have those people in front of...
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Well, the roommates have been told. Made one cry actually >.<

So now i gotta start the long process of packing up all my stuff...
Just when i was getting it the way i liked it.

They will be ok.
You have to do what's right for you.
Anyone wanna tell my roommates that im moving out in 2 weeks for me? xD
Aight, so it seems im movin back home...
Red Deer aint workin out so well, so its back to the Calgary area for me!

Gothique Greetings,

Where are your drawings and creative stuff? Any photos? I love creativity and PS....
How are you anyways?

Happy Belated Birthday, it was in june....i read it in your profile. smile

Talk soon.