The Coca-Cola Corporation has reported it's own workers to ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), for detainment and possible/probable deportation. They probably paid these people a barely-livable wage to begin with, then decided they were expendable. It's one thing if they had a hardline stance on illegal immigration from the start but they chose to use cheap labor, then turn them in when it was no longer convenient for them. I will no longer be giving Coke any money, and urge anyone reading this to do the same. Their actions may only hurt people in America, but they are a global giant, with a far reach. This is an international community on SG, and I suspect what the company did might not sit well with a lot of people here. I will no longer support this company in any way (I always liked Pepsi more, anyway). I've included a list of all their products, in case anyone is interested in joining me.
Psst, they also backed Russia.