@inkedodie tagged me in a blog homework about "SG journeys". What brought us to Suicide Girls, and how we've grown since we've been here, and why. The answer to all those questions for me, is @olgakulaga. It's as simple as that. It's never been a secret. As far as how or how much I've grown? That's all because of her, too. The details are between her and I, and I plan to keep it that way. I know I've missed out on a lot this community has to offer in the way of amazing people and friendships, but I never had any interest in pursuing that with anyone but her. And that's totally on me. I suppose I did learn to open up more, again, because of Olga. But that's a double-edged sword. Once you start, it's very difficult to stop, even when you know you should. That's part of the reason I'm taking a big step back. I don't know for how long, maybe a week or two, maybe forever. But this site has become just another reminder, not of what I lost, but what I never had. I doubt anyone will miss me, and the very small handful that might, know how to contact me. I doubt this is what Dave was looking for, but 🤷🏻