A while back, I posted a self-pitying blog on how I wasn't going to post about how I feel anymore. Some people read it, some didn't. It's not a big deal, I removed it, anyway. I still stand by it, which is why you get super interesting blogs like my last one, about my crazy "Apocalypse Bag" 😂. But it dawned on me last night, and again this morning, why (at least on this site), it's a bad idea for me to post about my feelings. Let me tell, you, although I have received many very supportive comments on various blogs, I'm very sorry to say, they never really make me feel any better. Venting my own frustrations only temporarily gives me any relief. And when it comes to the person I may be blogging about, there are 2 scenarios: absolute best case, they don't care. That's not to say they're mean or callous, but that they're just over the drama. That's the best case. The worst case scenario, is that it makes them feel bad, or guilty, or hurt. That's not what I want. I would never want to cause anyone pain, and especially these people (that's right, some of you probably thought you knew exactly who I'm talking about, but in recent weeks, more than one person has inexplicably stopped talking to me 😅). So I guess what I'm trying to say, is that I'm still not going to be posting deeply personal/emotional stuff, but at least now I feel like it's because of a better reason. As far as the title of this blog goes, for that one person: I meant it when I first said it, I meant it every time I said it afterwards, and I still mean it. Always and forever 🙂