If you can't tell from the picture, I was tagged by @amoxi 🙂
Here are my answers:
1.) Rollercoaster
2.) This one is really stumping me. I watch a lot of movies, and usually find at least something to like about each of them. But nothing from 2022 is standing out in my head right now. I guess I'll say "Wildcat," which I just watched yesterday, and had me ugly-crying 15 minutes in. Not even ashamed to admit it. Watch and you'll see why.
3.) Despite my ever-fluctuating mental state, I laugh on a daily basis. Again, no particular moment stands out. Pain and strife is great fuel for humor.
4.) I don't know if it's an achievement, but I discovered that I really love to paint, this year. Mostly skateboards, but I recently started on canvas.
5.) This is by far the easiest to answer. I'm thankful for @amoxi @shameless @magnea and @shawntloe. Whether it's daily conversations, weekly check-ins, or the occasional "How ya doin'?," the four of you have kept me grounded, simply by being friends, and showing you care. There are other cool people I've met here, but you guys are the stand-outs. Anyone who might read this and feel left out, step up your game, losers 😂😂😂. I'm kidding, everyone here is great 😁
And if I'm being totally honest with myself, Olga was a huge part of my life in 2022, and almost exclusively for the good.
@shameless @magnea @headshot @adam_bovary (who I realize, now, should have made the #5 answer, sorry buddy). Would love to read your answers 🙂