Another night spent staring at ceiling panels, listening to episodes of Family Guy for the millionth time, waiting for sleep to come. Does it? Of course not. I lay there for hours, trying to think of absolutely nothing, and failing miserably. I start thinking of an argument I had with my boss recently, which leads me down a path of re-examining every argument I can ever remember having. Then I start thinking of every mistake I've ever made, real or imagined, big or small. Wondering what I could have done differently, and how different my life would be with just a few decisions shuffled around here-and-there. If I'm lucky, this will only last 2 or 3 hours, before I say, "Screw it," and just get up. Still watching Family Guy, but not really paying attention. Instead, I start obsessively checking social media every 30 seconds, hoping I missed a notification or a comment. But you know what happens when there actually is a message or comment? I respond in a way that immediately ends the conversation before it starts. Keeping people at arms-length seems to be my super power. I'm also starting to wonder if I have ADHD. Anyway, this killed 5 minutes, time to get back to my episode of Family Guy, that I'm not watching. It's after 4 a.m., at least I don't have work tomorrow/later today.
I suffer from viscious insomnia. Three or four beers helps me sleep a couple hours but it's never enough. Sorry man.
@adam_bovary I've had some success treating with alcohol as well, but I won't do it during the week. It also backfires sometimes, and I end up drunk-messaging people on the weekends, like an asshole 😅