So I'm watching "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark" for about the billionth time. The famous "Well of Souls" scene rolls around (the one with the snakes), and a not unfamiliar thought comes to me: where the hell do the snakes come from? There's, like, hundreds of 'em. It's a secret chamber now, but it wasn't always, right? I mean, someone had to build it. Did they finish, and the foreman was like, "Smith, you're on snake duty from now on. I don't care how, but you better make sure this room is choc full of snakes at all times." Then, over the years, it was a task handed down from generation to generation, and the original purpose was lost to time? Like, some dude is just chilling, watching tv with his friends, and every now and then he gets up and dumps a bucket of snakes down a hole. His friends are like, "Hey, Jimmy. Why are you always dumping buckets of snakes down that hole? Where does that hole lead?". And Jimmy just shrugs, and dumps another bucket of snakes down the hole. He doesn't know why, or where they go. He just knows his father used to do it, and his father before him, and so-on, and so-on...
So, anyway, great movie. A childhood favorite that taught me to hate Nazis before I even knew what they were.