Does anyone else ever wonder if their life is actually a cartoon, or a really bad sitcom? I've been having one of those weeks. For those who have read my past blogs, my mental health is doing just fine, I actually find the following funny. It started on Monday, when I had 2 crews show up to a job, because no-one told me it wasn't scheduled to start until today. Tuesday, as I was finishing the last few cuts on some floor boards, I had a mishap with our table saw and took a big chunk out of my thumb (I work with my hands, so this is the gift that will keep on giving 😂). Then, today, I was installing flooring in a kitchen under where a dishwasher will be installed. There's no washer there now, but the wires for it are, and I assumed those wires weren't live. I assumed wrong. When I went to move them, I shocked the hell out of my hand, and when I stood up to "walk it off," I stood up right into a low hanging cabinet. I hit my head so hard, the other guys I work with heard my teeth clack together from the next room. I'm starting to get nervous, because there's still 2 days left in the work week. If anyone's interested, I have a bunch more of these stories, like the time I lost my grandfather's wedding ring, or when I dropped a $40,000 weapon system off a moving Humvee 😆.
And, yes, I realize that everything (or least mostly everything) that happens to me, is ultimately my fault. But where's the fun in blogging about personal responsibility?