Between the ages of 19 and 20, I lived in South Korea. Now, the area of S. Korea I lived in, didn't offer much in the way of leisure activities on the weekends. So every weekend for a year, I found myself skateboard jousting in the hallway of the building I lived in, or setting my roommate's (very) hairy arms on fire with lighter fluid, or tying one end of a rope around my waist, one end around a light pole, and skateboarding full speed down a hill. There is video evidence of all of this, mind you, but I have been asked by my hairy-armed roommate of the time, to never show it to anyone. But we've all had jobs where there's long stretches of down-time and boredom, so my question is this: what did you do to kill the time?
@squirtkween69 😂😂 that's awesome, and now I want an industrial engraver 😆
I would often try to fight total boredom on staff development/training days. The kind of days that are an utter waste of time. I would fill in the feedback forms through the day (multiples of course). Stuff like “The facilitator is sadly depriving a village somewhere of an idiot”. Or. “The facilitator appeared to have an incredible flatulence, which was not only utterly rancid, but not conducive to a positive learning experience”. And my favourite was along the lines of “As much as I would love to spend my days with you, sometimes I actually have shit to do.”