Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, the second richest person in the world, and the big giant head from "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure"
is paying to have a 95 year old bridge in the Netherlands dismantled. Why? So he can get his big-ass sail boat out of the city of Rotterdam. City officials are obviously focusing on the positives: the creation of jobs and taking money from Bezos, but the average folk aren't happy. They view it as another example of some rich asshole getting to do whatever they want. There is a grass roots protest planned to egg the boat as it sails through the city. At over 400 feet long when it's completed, it will become the new World Record holder for largest sail boat on the planet. That's awesome for Jeff, and I'm sure he'll enjoy every minute of the two weekends a year he actually ends up being on it. At least it isn't shaped like a penis.
The other news story that struck a chord with me this week, was the brown bear that woke up early from hibernation, and killed 38 reindeer calves in one month. The next month, it did it again, with 18 young moose. For anyone who's woken up in the middle of the night and killed a package of Oreos, this bear is the most relatable animal on the planet.