So its half 5 in the morning, just making up some flasks of coffee to keep me going through the day as this week were working on a high level roof covered in ice and water, its shitty cus its deep enough to fill your boots, so wet cold feet all day along with legs as the kneeling down doesnt work to well in the water. But any ways Im up iv got work and Im gagging for a smoke, I guess things could be worse, but I enjoy complaining about stuff some times, its a thing everyone needs to do no matter how sweet things are for them normally moaning about shit is good. But iv less to moan about this week which is good for practical reason I think I may finally have sorted my money situation out which is nice because Id much rather not have the banks big cock up my ass each week, and the weather will hopefully start getting a little more dry cus being outside all day every day gets on ur tits a bit when its snowing or icy. That and hopefully by the time the weather isnt wank il be able to fund myself to go on holiday again, last year was a 14 euro a day trip around Europe so didnt really eat anything or drink, surprising how well you can do on happiness and smokes. This year Im feeling America or Australia, and if my wallet will allow a trip to Tokyo might be in the works, but give the shambles of a man I am this will not be likely, though the idea is enough to make me smile. But as fun as writing half a page of shit is I have to make some eats for I have work soon.
here are some swans and a lake i almost fell though because the ice lied to me, it said it was fine to walk on, it let the kids do it but it didnt like me
here are some swans and a lake i almost fell though because the ice lied to me, it said it was fine to walk on, it let the kids do it but it didnt like me