So as I sit weeping in to a bag of some kind of bacon flavoured crisp snack because I cant make the second part of south park imagination land part 2 work I though balls to this il throw down some tunes read some juxtapoz, get some scribbles going and throw down a blog about, you guessed it, absolutely nothing, I have no point to make today I have no problems right now apart from the consistent one of not having a great social life as of every one I know going to uni and there being a very small amount of girls I know that Im in to, the ones I am are already spoken for and the ones that arent well il have to settle for appreciating them possibly walking past me at some point in my life
but this is a problem I could spend pages talking about, but no one like to read all that wank so what do people life to see, well pictures. Writing is grate and all but with my piss poor spelling (I write all my blogs in word spell check it then copy paste) and god awful articulation of what I actually want to say my writing is not the best any one has ever seen, and the pictures are not that much better but at least there faster to go through. There shall be some pictures of Bernard, a small pink flannel crab I took from my friends house and round Europe with me, there will be some old pictures of me doing stuff, and some other pictures of some other stuff in a place that is not my bedroom and one somewhere of what my old work shop kind of thing used to look like until my brother shit all over it with boxes full of moving crap. What a bell end, one of me putting back a post i fell off in an aparent haunted pond (silen pool in guilford?) some fire works in budapest, my im not and artist jobbie in the apple store in munich and me riding a mini bike to my next lesson while in 6th form. but yes enough of my aimless ranting, here are some pictures.

he is elliesaurus 

well i like dinosaurs lots.. so my friends call me laurasaurus and its became a nickname and now my SG