i havent been to SG in a while, havent updated this profile thank you all who wished me a happy birthday, currently starting some Acoustic Blue Guitar classes at CCSN in November, and will be featuring at the Rejavanate Cafe in about two weeks at the weekly open mic. and i cant believe i am 30, besides the fact that people tell me that i look way younger than i am, (good liars ) . check out my website www.immortalizer.net for all the latest. thanks.
hey there, wow, you NEVER update, hope you get this some day...just wanted to say frankyou very very mucho much for your great comment on my set. I just got done reading a book by Bret Easton Ellis. Less Than Zero. Didn't care for it too much. The message, yes, the writing, eh. just my 2 cents for ya. you can toss the pennies in a wishing well somewhere if you like