what the fuck did they do. it took me 30 miinutes to figure out how to check my freinds blogs and figure out how to post a new one, this is fucking retarded and now it loads way slower cause of the bs they hove on here change it back damnit. sometimes change isnt good
added: ok so i was so pissed about the layout i forgot to post.. last night i got so fucking drunk idrank two pints of vodka and an assload of beer, me and missy were about to walk to the park after i finished the vodka and we walk outside and my neighbors are standing out there so i start talking to them and they invite us to go to a supposed haunted house with them turns out it was just some old house someone died in and had no family so the house just sit there full of junk and it had been used as a squat. big whoop, any way we gfo walking through the woods in the back and these guys are being stupid and act like they are praying trying to fre3ak people out well needless to say i didnt buy it. one of the dudes grabs me and says you need to get right with jesus and i said get your fucking hands off of me you dont know me or my stance with your supposed god and i dont appreicate you touching me and took his hands off of me and grabs my head and says no you need to get right with jesus i told him fuck jesus hes a bigot now get your fucking hands off of me you r about to rteally piss me off and grab his wrists and force his hands down to his sides. i think he was a lil thrown off by my strengh that and what i said i didnt get home until 430 and have a horrible hangover now ok well i got work to do later

added: ok so i was so pissed about the layout i forgot to post.. last night i got so fucking drunk idrank two pints of vodka and an assload of beer, me and missy were about to walk to the park after i finished the vodka and we walk outside and my neighbors are standing out there so i start talking to them and they invite us to go to a supposed haunted house with them turns out it was just some old house someone died in and had no family so the house just sit there full of junk and it had been used as a squat. big whoop, any way we gfo walking through the woods in the back and these guys are being stupid and act like they are praying trying to fre3ak people out well needless to say i didnt buy it. one of the dudes grabs me and says you need to get right with jesus and i said get your fucking hands off of me you dont know me or my stance with your supposed god and i dont appreicate you touching me and took his hands off of me and grabs my head and says no you need to get right with jesus i told him fuck jesus hes a bigot now get your fucking hands off of me you r about to rteally piss me off and grab his wrists and force his hands down to his sides. i think he was a lil thrown off by my strengh that and what i said i didnt get home until 430 and have a horrible hangover now ok well i got work to do later
Aside from that... maybe the new layout will get easier...
I hope.