im so sick of the people in the neighborhood of my store......bunch of bums and welfare riders. dont get me wrong some are ok and others are kewl as shit but most of them are pathetic losers i cant stand.. quit asking me for money and go look for a job instead of waking up and drinking everyday.. a couple days sober is only gonna help you trust me. i got a handout from my apts saying that from now on anyone seen not picking up dog shit will get fined.... but from my apt maintence experiance i know that they can not leagally fine me but they could evict me for having a dog and not giving thema pet deposit.... but ill tell them the same thing they told me after my shit got stolen and my truck got broken into "tough shit" fuck em let them evict me i hate those fucking apts anyway. i hate everything right now and am really starting to think about not quiting smoking grrrrrr