I've been a bad, bad updater. I apologize. So after my last post my little brother came down for the weekend, we hung out, went to downtown seattle, rode horses out here, then he went home to alaska, and my friend adam got in about ten minutes after my bro left. so, adam was here for about two weeks, we had lots of fun, did a whole lot of nothing, and now my time to be lazy is over... i decided to go to ferrier school... no, not the boats. ferriers put shoes on horse's feet, and to go to school for that i have to move to somewhere around walla walla. i know, you're all totally jealous that i get to live in lovely eastern washington during the oppressively hot summer months. i think my mom is driving down with my dog and a bunch of my stuff, so that will be cool... the school's a year long, but i think it's only a six hour drive or something to the seattle area, and with my record of speeding i should be able to make it in half that. well, im totally boring, and me and my only friend out here under the age of 70 are going to try and head downtown today, so ill update when i can, but if any of y'all want to talk to me more urgently, email is probably the best way to go. i love you all, so love me back, dammit.
Hey how is it going? It has been a while. I'm going back to Sacramento on June 25, I can't wait. How is everything going with you? When do you come back to AK? Take care

Hey, just wanted to say sorry you couldn't come out the other night, and I'd love to come out for marshmallows in the boonies sometime! And if you have a horse you're really mad at, you could have it ride my ass around.