I had a lot of fun out at the rickshaw.. so thanks for lettin me hang out, y'all, hopefully I will get some time away from the farm to come to seattle again. I got a job, so everyone be happy for me... It's only part time, but whatever, it'll pay for my insurance and gas for this car I'm going to be buying this weekend, hopefully, otherwise I'm out of a job. I've been so totally busy lately.. Cleaning the stable, exercising the horses, spending time with the grandparents.... I've gone down a pant size, which is odd, because I eat bacon like everyday for breakfast. Must be all the rides to the beach. It is so amazing to be able to throw a saddle on one of the horses, ride down to point no point, and run them on the beach. Back in Alaska, we're trained on the idea of 'When there's daylight, your ass better be outside', because you don't have a choice in the winter. So, I'm also getting a tan. How wierd. Hope everyone is having as much fun as I am right now... Uh oh, the suns coming out, gotta go.
what an increadible breakup we're havin' up here this year.....
with the light snow this winter.....combined with the warm weather we've been having.....the snow's meltin fast and the ground is relativly dry......
it was 50 plus today here in Sterling.......
Yea!....for global warming!!!!!!!!!