Feb 26th I 'll be flying into seattle, then going out to see my aunt on anacortes for a week or so, til my gram comes back from mexico, then i will be going to stay with her in silverdale, where my mom will be sending my dog (YAY!) and i might be adopting a horse. Oh, and I have an interview on March 9 for Alaska Airlines. I will have to take out my eyebrow piercing, and dye my hair back to a normal color, but it will be pink til then. I will add a picture of my awesome hair as soon as we buy a new kodak friendly usb cord so we can put the full memory card worth of pictures onto the computer. I hope everyone is doing well, I sort of am, just been real bored. Just looking forward to getting to seattle now, and trying to make sure I don't forget a bunch of shit.
Everyone cross your fingers that my interview goes well, and I'll try for a more interesting post later on tonight.
Everyone cross your fingers that my interview goes well, and I'll try for a more interesting post later on tonight.

Hey, It was cool meeting you at karaoke. I would say come out again some time, but the commute from Alaska is a bitch!

It was good to meet you. I hope we didn't all bore you too much.