I'm not in seattle yet. boy has agreed to counseling, so we may work it out. but we'll see. whatever happened to the days when men were men? seems like no one i know with a penis right now is capable of doing much on their own. it's nice to feel needed, but damn, you can read the directions on the box of macaroni as well as i can. i also miss the days when men wore hats. not baseball hats or beanies, but hats. like fedoras. and three piece suits. even before that, the guys who worked in fields. hats. everywhere. women had them too. of course that was a much more socially oppressing culture for women to live in..well, i guess it was for men too, in many ways, but still, everyone looked good, right? and does anyone else out there notice how relationships seem to warrant otherwise unacceptable behaviors? like.. we're married now, so i don't have to use manners at the dinner table, or, smell this, and tell me if it's too gross to wear. EW! I didn't sign up for that shit! On a high note, we should get some money soon, so we'll have a phone again, and we're going to buy one of those brita things that hooks right to your faucet. YAY! my mom got the money from selling her house, and my little brother got a nintendo ds. he is very excited about this. im not too sure of what it is because im not a gamer. but my husband is, and he didn't know either, so im at a loss. but, i should get my dog soon, yay! then i will hopefully be getting some sort of a damn job, so i can spend time outside this apartment. My brother in law came over last night and started trying to act all hard and homie g thug with my husband, who is the oldest brother, and my husband knocked him over...then kicked him out.. so now im not sure wtf is up with all of that. Everyone should check out my new crushes by the way. although cosyne has been in that column before, there's a new boy i don't know, which i shamelessly ask to hump, and im fairly sure it's starting to make him slightly uncomfrtable.
hopefully when i go to seattle i will finally get some from cosyne though, since he's been playin hard to get for as long as ive known him. on a side note, does anyone in sac know where any porn stores are? i want to get a job in one, but i don't know where to look. and i DARE you to try and look up 'local porn stores' on the net and see what comes up. not very pretty. i wish i had a more exciting life so i could tell you guys all about it. sorry. anybody wanna buy me dinner? i promise to dress halfway slutty and flirt with you lots as long as you're hot and female. if you're male, ill just dress half slutty and call it even. btw, dinner for me is like... denny's. im easy to please.

Sounds like you have a good shot at getting on there.
How bout that weather today eh?