....California..California...knows how to party....
Okay, so not so far. But I'm keeping my hopes up that somewhere around here lives at least ONE person who leaves the Fendi bag at home, and doesn't need to put on that third coat of mascara to run to the grocery store for t.p. in the middle of the night. Maybe it's just because I seem to live in Whiteyville, everyone in this town drives a lexus, except for me, and has fake nails, fake boobs, and hair implants. Yesterday I walked to Albertson's and used the payphone to call home. We still haven't gone to pay the cell phone bill yet. My mom sold her house back in Alaska, and is moving at the end of this month to her new place. Which mean she also gets the money from her house pretty soon, which means that even though I'm broke, I'll get my doggy soon, and she always makes everything 100% better. Yesterday was also my friend Abby's birthday, so I called her. She was doing well and getting ready to go out for her b-day...
And that, my friends, was the first time I have left the apartment complex in a bout 9 days. When I finally do go somewhere for something social, it's going to be wierd and overwhelming. For those of you concerned about little Billy's welfare from my last post, he is alive and well, living on my porch, eating our scraps, with a bucket to piss in. Hey, fellow SAC'ers, did you guys know that your water tastes hella gross? Seriously. and I just ran out of bottled. Also out of juice and soda. I'm very thirsty, and this bottled water thing is wierd.
Also, what's up with the uber-friendly people? You guys must get too much daylight or something, because when I was on the phone, obviously talking to someone, a really wierd guy started a totally boring and useless conversation with me. I need friends, but not that bad. Plus, he could SEE the payphone. He could see ME, ON the payphone. I cannot have two conversations at once. I could understand maybe if I had been just sittin there, not on a PHONE, making convo with people I didn't know, but it was hard to understand what my mom was saying while an apparent crack addict was asking me if I was really from Alaska. Anyways, it's been a long exciting week. Not really. But I'm still sick, so a walk to the grocery store was a lot of excitement for me. Time to go feed little Billy now.
Okay, so not so far. But I'm keeping my hopes up that somewhere around here lives at least ONE person who leaves the Fendi bag at home, and doesn't need to put on that third coat of mascara to run to the grocery store for t.p. in the middle of the night. Maybe it's just because I seem to live in Whiteyville, everyone in this town drives a lexus, except for me, and has fake nails, fake boobs, and hair implants. Yesterday I walked to Albertson's and used the payphone to call home. We still haven't gone to pay the cell phone bill yet. My mom sold her house back in Alaska, and is moving at the end of this month to her new place. Which mean she also gets the money from her house pretty soon, which means that even though I'm broke, I'll get my doggy soon, and she always makes everything 100% better. Yesterday was also my friend Abby's birthday, so I called her. She was doing well and getting ready to go out for her b-day...
And that, my friends, was the first time I have left the apartment complex in a bout 9 days. When I finally do go somewhere for something social, it's going to be wierd and overwhelming. For those of you concerned about little Billy's welfare from my last post, he is alive and well, living on my porch, eating our scraps, with a bucket to piss in. Hey, fellow SAC'ers, did you guys know that your water tastes hella gross? Seriously. and I just ran out of bottled. Also out of juice and soda. I'm very thirsty, and this bottled water thing is wierd.
Also, what's up with the uber-friendly people? You guys must get too much daylight or something, because when I was on the phone, obviously talking to someone, a really wierd guy started a totally boring and useless conversation with me. I need friends, but not that bad. Plus, he could SEE the payphone. He could see ME, ON the payphone. I cannot have two conversations at once. I could understand maybe if I had been just sittin there, not on a PHONE, making convo with people I didn't know, but it was hard to understand what my mom was saying while an apparent crack addict was asking me if I was really from Alaska. Anyways, it's been a long exciting week. Not really. But I'm still sick, so a walk to the grocery store was a lot of excitement for me. Time to go feed little Billy now.
true that, but if I think you failed to notice something, I didn't put an area code.

How's the job hunt going?