okay everyone, next time i post ill be in SAC, woot woot! yeah, that was gay of me, im sorry. my neck hurts, im not all the way packed, i have to give my dog pills so she won't freak out, i have to clean.... right now im only validating my online time by saying that i have to get all my music off this laptop before i leave... so ill have something to do on the plane, since im flat broke, i don't get food or anything to read. yay. this is going to fucking suck. and i have to make a mad dash through sea tac by myself so that i can pay for my dogs next leg of the trip. kill me. i also only slept two hours last night. well, this morning. 8am to 10 am. everyone pray that i get everything done and make it on time, otherwise, i may be campin at your house for a few days, my dear mr.cosyne kisses to everyone, and i hope i don't pass out.
More Blogs
Tuesday Nov 02, 2004
Go Vote Today. You have no excuse. -
Wednesday Oct 06, 2004
Okie dokie. So, since I am now staying in my friend abby's basement, … -
Tuesday Sep 21, 2004
Okay. I Give Up. my grandmother is, coincidentally, up here visiting … -
Monday Sep 13, 2004
Life blows. At least I'll have my dog to keep me company, right? and … -
Sunday Aug 08, 2004
He's baaaa-aaack! woo hoo! ill be busy so it might be awhile before i… -
Tuesday Aug 03, 2004
Okay, so im freakin out again. the husband is returning from afghanis… -
Saturday Jul 24, 2004
Sooo... I got a monroe piercing about two days ago and i love it so m… -
Monday Jul 12, 2004
So I saddle up my horse, and ride into the city, and we make a lot of… -
Saturday Jul 03, 2004
I'm so excited, I just can't hide it. Wow, that was cheesy, I actualy… -
Thursday Jul 01, 2004
im going to totally stop updating because no one reads it anymore and…
Welcome to Sacto...We will come up with sumpin cool to do soon....stay tuned!