I'm doing better, as of late. Some new adventures are on my horizon. I'm trying to get my passport so I can visit my dad in venezuela this summer, and my little brother is coming to visit for a whole week at the end of this month. Finally, someone will get my jokes. I know, it's sad that the only person who finds me funny...
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I'm a nerd with too many animals and an effed up sleep schedule. I got a second pit bull a couple of weeks ago who is a foster dog, but now I don't know if I'm going to be able to let her go. She has been in this particular program for around a year, and not even one person has shown an interest in...
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thank you...your commment on my set was really sweet , it made me blush
Life is getting easier... They put me on wellbutrin, YAY! I'm a crazy person! Now I can officially start doing whatever the fuck I feel like doing.
I'm a crazy person too. Lexapro is my little helper.

Hey sweets,
I just wanted to let you know that your response was really sweet
It is hard sometimes for people to talk about or know what to say when you are dealing with death, especially so young. But it seems to me that you are a strong gal... you are proud of your fiance, and to me, the best way to heal is to share memories. Ones that make you laugh or smile, even though you are sad... or even ones that make you sad! It's all about what makes you feel okay.
I really do wish you all the best, and I'm always a good ear (message reader??) for that kind of stuff. And hey, I have WORKED with some of the craziest people... and I take Ephexor to help me deal with things! I had some difficult times when I came back from Iraq, in terms of feeling down & depressed, and also with anxiety. I hope that Wellbutrin works for you!!
Take care, and I hope to hear from you soon m'dear
<3 <3 erin
I just wanted to let you know that your response was really sweet

I really do wish you all the best, and I'm always a good ear (message reader??) for that kind of stuff. And hey, I have WORKED with some of the craziest people... and I take Ephexor to help me deal with things! I had some difficult times when I came back from Iraq, in terms of feeling down & depressed, and also with anxiety. I hope that Wellbutrin works for you!!
Take care, and I hope to hear from you soon m'dear

<3 <3 erin
One month ago today for his death anniversary.
Just wanted to see how you were holding up hun. I knew today would be really hard.
Typo - that day.
My fiancee died in iraq, december 20th, 2006.
i just read about this... once again, i am truly sorry for your loss.
hugs and kisses.
hugs and kisses.
I'm a Desert Storm vet. I'm sorry for your loss...
Well, I haven't been ihere in almost two years. Good to see it has saved all my pictures, etc. I love it. More boobs!
Hello everybody... I know you've all missed me. Right. Well, I have had more insane things happen to me this week than pretty muche ver before in my life. Right now I am going to fly up to alaska for a couple weeks, get some more of my shit, my dog, etc, then come back (out to walla walla, wa.) and get ready for school......
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We miss you in Seattle!
+1 Good job staying on the horse.
I've been a bad, bad updater. I apologize. So after my last post my little brother came down for the weekend, we hung out, went to downtown seattle, rode horses out here, then he went home to alaska, and my friend adam got in about ten minutes after my bro left. so, adam was here for about two weeks, we had lots of fun, did...
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Hey how is it going? It has been a while. I'm going back to Sacramento on June 25, I can't wait. How is everything going with you? When do you come back to AK? Take care

Hey, just wanted to say sorry you couldn't come out the other night, and I'd love to come out for marshmallows in the boonies sometime! And if you have a horse you're really mad at, you could have it ride my ass around. 

Okay, so the past four days have been nuts. I worked with one of the neighbors on his draft horse clinic, teaching people to plow and drive horses. It was so much work, but so much fun. Today is like my day off because I only have two barns to clean, no kids to watch til tommorrow, and no draft horses to bathe and brush,...
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you know you love me
i never get any pics of myself either. i'm always behind the camera
i never get any pics of myself either. i'm always behind the camera
kind of hard, balancing sexy and comfy, when you're working outside, eh?
lucky for us, we fishermen are inherently sexy, and do not concern ourselves at all with that matter
lucky for us, we fishermen are inherently sexy, and do not concern ourselves at all with that matter

I had a lot of fun out at the rickshaw.. so thanks for lettin me hang out, y'all, hopefully I will get some time away from the farm to come to seattle again. I got a job, so everyone be happy for me... It's only part time, but whatever, it'll pay for my insurance and gas for this car I'm going to be buying this...
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what an increadible breakup we're havin' up here this year.....
with the light snow this winter.....combined with the warm weather we've been having.....the snow's meltin fast and the ground is relativly dry......
it was 50 plus today here in Sterling.......
Yea!....for global warming!!!!!!!!!
what an increadible breakup we're havin' up here this year.....
with the light snow this winter.....combined with the warm weather we've been having.....the snow's meltin fast and the ground is relativly dry......
it was 50 plus today here in Sterling.......
Yea!....for global warming!!!!!!!!!

I could really use some of your real name right now. I am dying of allergies!

Do you commute to Walla Walla every day?