Oh yeah, I post here on occasion.

Changed careers. After nearly 15 years in telecommunications, I am becoming a delivery boy. I will transport BLOOD and other wonderful bodily fluids.

Now just to figure out how to pay my late rent.

Also. Need to check friends requests more than once a year.
Purveyors of smut beware!!!


Classic anti-pornography film from the 60's. Some of the assumptions are of a riot inducing nature.
Ah yes, blogging. Internet incontinence. How I love thee, let me count the ways.

So here I am, blogging where all 4 of the people currently listed as "freinds" will read and be dismayed that a life so dismal can be led by one so pathetic.

I was going for the "weepy, woe is me" type blog thing.

Hmm, didn't work, let me try the...
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Hooray for spending Friday night alone on nudie sites! blackeyed
I should blog or something.

later, maybe when i feel like it.