[mood]: fried.
[music]: "call the doctor"-sleater-kinney.
Hmmm...so mnay things to think about.
The marriage thing is being brought up a lot. So, I have to get my ass in check on a lot of things. The house...the bills...school...the atlanta thing...the brian thing...Blah! I dont want to think.
I got way to fuckd up last nite. Supposedly I was groping on a pregnant chick. Ugh. Not cool!!! But shes a pretty pregnant girl.
I dont feel like acting like a big girl right now, but a;; of these thoughs and situations peole are forcing me into...its hard to ignore it all.
All I want in life is to live in atlanta with jeff and have a seal point himalayan kittie and a collection of beautifull glass bongs. We'd have lots of crazy shit from horroro movies all over the place mixed with pin-up girls, circus sideshow shit, religious imagery + all my corny vintage furniture And I'd have a big fat golfish named zero. We'd see shows all the time. I'd own my own clothing store. I'd to be able to afford more ink. We'd never be unhappy...EVER.
But thats the fun thing about dreams...thats all they are.
[music]: "call the doctor"-sleater-kinney.
Hmmm...so mnay things to think about.
The marriage thing is being brought up a lot. So, I have to get my ass in check on a lot of things. The house...the bills...school...the atlanta thing...the brian thing...Blah! I dont want to think.
I got way to fuckd up last nite. Supposedly I was groping on a pregnant chick. Ugh. Not cool!!! But shes a pretty pregnant girl.
I dont feel like acting like a big girl right now, but a;; of these thoughs and situations peole are forcing me into...its hard to ignore it all.
All I want in life is to live in atlanta with jeff and have a seal point himalayan kittie and a collection of beautifull glass bongs. We'd have lots of crazy shit from horroro movies all over the place mixed with pin-up girls, circus sideshow shit, religious imagery + all my corny vintage furniture And I'd have a big fat golfish named zero. We'd see shows all the time. I'd own my own clothing store. I'd to be able to afford more ink. We'd never be unhappy...EVER.
But thats the fun thing about dreams...thats all they are.

There are some really kick ass stores there... and clubs and... well I have been kickin around the idea of moving there myself! I lived in GA for a little over a year. Augusta... not the greatest city to live in but I spent ALOT of time in Atlanta... Little 5 Points... Masquerade... The Point... Beer Olympics... Crash and Burn... Altanta is Hella cool!
Okay... I must rest now... sleep!
and there is something i and there is something i want to tell you
talk to you later