[mood]: awake.
[music]: "sadness prevails"-today is the day.
Gawd...Jerry Springer is so hilarious. How can people go onto tv just to humiliate themselves? It's all these rednecks on right now and their screaming about incest. "Yer fucking yer sister....and I dont like it"! Blargh. Jeff, Brian+I are trying to find a way to get onto Springer. We came up with this so far-Jeff and me will be the couple and he says "I have a secret...I'm gay". And then Brian comes out in some ridiculous drag outfit and we have a catfight. We cant figure out what else to add to it to make it funnier. *shrug*
Ooooh...I want the "Strangers With Candy" dvd. I just cant find it anywhere. *le sigh*
[Inside secretness to Krankor: I got my Hellsing scroll! It fucking rules! Squee!!]
I've been thinking about how I'm going to decorate when we get the new house. I'm obsessed with shit like that...I wanted to go to school for interior design. But they dont offer any courses like that in pensuckola. I was thinking about getting some big black+white anatomy photos and having them up in the livingroom. With a huge rack of 8mm fetish porno films in the corner. But, I have a feeling all that stuff would be kinda hard to find.
Speaking of hard to find...why isnt FLCL! on anymore!!!??!!!
Ugh, my stomach really hurts.
It sucks because I want to go out at nite and chill with a cup of coffee and a cigarette. Or be a dork and have my frappuccino and a cigarette. But florida started a law in july called "the clean air act" that says I'm not allowed to smoke in restaurants or any place that serves food. Sooo, that kind of kills my fun. The only place in town where I can smoke and drink my coffee is in the goth kid cafe downtown. So now my new momentary obsession is giggling at lil goth kids. Their so wierd...I wonder when that sub-culture will die off. But anyways-to the point of my story-I found out that pensuckola had a "Gothic Personals" website. I found this hilarious and went and checked it out....Those people are such pretentious cunts! "I am a beautiful vampyre...notice the 'Y', that means I am spooky and a creature of the night". Blah. I'm going to buy a cape and prance around the goth kid cafe and smoke cloves and just drink my coffee black. I should get a job at Cinnabons too. "ImBleeding...Princeeeessss of Darrrrknesss".
Okay, enough mindless ranting. I'm just really bored. Forgive me.
[music]: "sadness prevails"-today is the day.
Gawd...Jerry Springer is so hilarious. How can people go onto tv just to humiliate themselves? It's all these rednecks on right now and their screaming about incest. "Yer fucking yer sister....and I dont like it"! Blargh. Jeff, Brian+I are trying to find a way to get onto Springer. We came up with this so far-Jeff and me will be the couple and he says "I have a secret...I'm gay". And then Brian comes out in some ridiculous drag outfit and we have a catfight. We cant figure out what else to add to it to make it funnier. *shrug*
Ooooh...I want the "Strangers With Candy" dvd. I just cant find it anywhere. *le sigh*
[Inside secretness to Krankor: I got my Hellsing scroll! It fucking rules! Squee!!]
I've been thinking about how I'm going to decorate when we get the new house. I'm obsessed with shit like that...I wanted to go to school for interior design. But they dont offer any courses like that in pensuckola. I was thinking about getting some big black+white anatomy photos and having them up in the livingroom. With a huge rack of 8mm fetish porno films in the corner. But, I have a feeling all that stuff would be kinda hard to find.
Speaking of hard to find...why isnt FLCL! on anymore!!!??!!!
Ugh, my stomach really hurts.
It sucks because I want to go out at nite and chill with a cup of coffee and a cigarette. Or be a dork and have my frappuccino and a cigarette. But florida started a law in july called "the clean air act" that says I'm not allowed to smoke in restaurants or any place that serves food. Sooo, that kind of kills my fun. The only place in town where I can smoke and drink my coffee is in the goth kid cafe downtown. So now my new momentary obsession is giggling at lil goth kids. Their so wierd...I wonder when that sub-culture will die off. But anyways-to the point of my story-I found out that pensuckola had a "Gothic Personals" website. I found this hilarious and went and checked it out....Those people are such pretentious cunts! "I am a beautiful vampyre...notice the 'Y', that means I am spooky and a creature of the night". Blah. I'm going to buy a cape and prance around the goth kid cafe and smoke cloves and just drink my coffee black. I should get a job at Cinnabons too. "ImBleeding...Princeeeessss of Darrrrknesss".
Okay, enough mindless ranting. I'm just really bored. Forgive me.