Jeff gave me a sleeping pill and I crashed for like 14 hours. No dreams or anything...just sleep. And I still feel like shit.
I've been staying over at jeff's the past week and making myself at home. So, when I awoke from my pill-enduced slumber I felt hungry and decided to eat some spaghetti-O's. So, I warmed some up and went down into the livingroom to eat them. I sat down and was watching 'I love the 70's" when I looked over and saw something really hilarious [and kind of nasty too]. In the computer room, which is adjacent with the livingroom, there must have been 30 piles of shit on the floor. It's a really clean house and they only have a mini-schnauzer and 2 cats who both have a litterbox and go outside. So, I looked at this for a moment or two and laughed inwardly at how jeff would have to pick it up. Poor thing. But, those animals must have been busy. Because I was in that room yesterday afternoon and I didnt see any piles of shit.
I really want one of those coffee/icee drinks from starbucks. Those things are one of my momentary obsessions. *thinking about the wonderfulness of the starbuck drink thingies*
Ever since I went to see Freddy vs. Jason and saw the trailer for the 'new' "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" i've been worried. They have these douchebags from daytime dramas playing in it and theyve totally changed the script.'s a classic, so they didnt have to replicate something thats done its job good enough. Grr...
I'm going to succumb to my nicotine habit.
Jeff gave me a sleeping pill and I crashed for like 14 hours. No dreams or anything...just sleep. And I still feel like shit.
I've been staying over at jeff's the past week and making myself at home. So, when I awoke from my pill-enduced slumber I felt hungry and decided to eat some spaghetti-O's. So, I warmed some up and went down into the livingroom to eat them. I sat down and was watching 'I love the 70's" when I looked over and saw something really hilarious [and kind of nasty too]. In the computer room, which is adjacent with the livingroom, there must have been 30 piles of shit on the floor. It's a really clean house and they only have a mini-schnauzer and 2 cats who both have a litterbox and go outside. So, I looked at this for a moment or two and laughed inwardly at how jeff would have to pick it up. Poor thing. But, those animals must have been busy. Because I was in that room yesterday afternoon and I didnt see any piles of shit.
I really want one of those coffee/icee drinks from starbucks. Those things are one of my momentary obsessions. *thinking about the wonderfulness of the starbuck drink thingies*
Ever since I went to see Freddy vs. Jason and saw the trailer for the 'new' "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" i've been worried. They have these douchebags from daytime dramas playing in it and theyve totally changed the script.'s a classic, so they didnt have to replicate something thats done its job good enough. Grr...
I'm going to succumb to my nicotine habit.

How was the movie?
no nothing was left unsaid
it was all for the best i knew what was going to happen
but as much as i think of her i think of you
its strange and odd but all the ones i fall for are the ones i cant have that is why i am sad
i feel like i am slowly falling apart
as much as i try to help my self all i do is set myself up for let down
she is gone i had a lot of fealings for her and she was there for me
well have fun today
i am off to work untill 11
ohh the fun i dont feel like doing any thing
bye girl talk to you later
[Edited on Aug 22, 2003]