Watching 'Family Guy' and being bored as hell.
I need to dye my hair...and buy some clothes...and move to atlanta...and smoke a cigarette...and wash my hair....and get the full FLCL series on dvd...and make a horror movie with ceejae...and steal the bunny suit from work...and get more ink....and get my own house [again]....and buy a seal point himalayan...and put my plugs back in....and learn how to be the master at tekken tag....and go back to college....and marry jeff...and live happily ever after. *le sigh*
Jeff had to go to the hospital to het stitches in his hand. I hope he's okay. I wish i had a bag...but alas, im poor. We made plans with jeremy+brian to go down to the 'daily goth' tonite. Everytime I go there I want to vomit all over everyone...The scene there is so obnoxious.
I think I'm going to go be productive...vacuum the house or something...
I need to dye my hair...and buy some clothes...and move to atlanta...and smoke a cigarette...and wash my hair....and get the full FLCL series on dvd...and make a horror movie with ceejae...and steal the bunny suit from work...and get more ink....and get my own house [again]....and buy a seal point himalayan...and put my plugs back in....and learn how to be the master at tekken tag....and go back to college....and marry jeff...and live happily ever after. *le sigh*
Jeff had to go to the hospital to het stitches in his hand. I hope he's okay. I wish i had a bag...but alas, im poor. We made plans with jeremy+brian to go down to the 'daily goth' tonite. Everytime I go there I want to vomit all over everyone...The scene there is so obnoxious.
I think I'm going to go be productive...vacuum the house or something...

and my stomach hurts like hell
i think me and robin found troy a cute anime girl
she may be comming over tonight to watch anime
so hopefuly troy may lighten up
well sorry bout that girl well untill next time
so if you do come over he is gone
take your hatered out on me dear