I feel a lot better now that I actually have a job. Everyone [my family, boyfriend, friends] arent giving me shit about being a slacker and I'm not getting threatened to find a new home. I still miss Grey though. My dad is such a douchebag sometimes. Blargh! But working at Gabrielles is pretty straight. Just selling halloween shit all day long is kind of fun. Plus, we have a pet parrot in the store that I play with all day. It's a lot better than working at someplace like Taco Bell. Heh...
I'm really bored right now. I stayed at jeff's last nite [and im still here] and there isnt anything to do. he just called up and said "you can clean the house if yer that bored". *le sigh* It's like being back at the apartment. I dont feel like cleaning, dammit! I just feel like bitching+ranting...
I downloaded all the FLCL episodes last nite. *squee* That is my momentary obsession. Along with tekken tag, cappucino frosties + she-males. I should watch those now.
I read that chuck palahniusk has a new book out called "Diary". Must...get...money....must..go...to bookstore.
Oh gawd! Jeff just called. He said "Uh, well...I'm going to the hospital. I need to get some stitches." He sliced his hand wide open at work...my poor baby. So, I have to go see him now.
Sorry about all the ranting....
[hehe, a pirate]
I'm really bored right now. I stayed at jeff's last nite [and im still here] and there isnt anything to do. he just called up and said "you can clean the house if yer that bored". *le sigh* It's like being back at the apartment. I dont feel like cleaning, dammit! I just feel like bitching+ranting...
I downloaded all the FLCL episodes last nite. *squee* That is my momentary obsession. Along with tekken tag, cappucino frosties + she-males. I should watch those now.
I read that chuck palahniusk has a new book out called "Diary". Must...get...money....must..go...to bookstore.
Oh gawd! Jeff just called. He said "Uh, well...I'm going to the hospital. I need to get some stitches." He sliced his hand wide open at work...my poor baby. So, I have to go see him now.
Sorry about all the ranting....

Por Que? 

You are very welcome. And congrats on having a job.