Under Pressure by The Herd

...Man, it's been one heckuva month...
Great Aunt dies. My birthday. Friend has miscarriage. Two friends leave one to Quebec, one to Japan. Got a day's suspension from work. Went out with a girl I met on the internet. She just bitched about a girl in the library, turns out it was a girl I've had a bit of a...
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Her heart was beating like an UZI on automatic. I held her close to silence the sound and put my tongue down her throat to try to calm her down and let her know that everything was going to be okay.
Just be yourself she says to me and than tries to tell me how I should be. Everything I do is wrong everything I say is wrong. I'm not the right man for her it's perfectly clear to everyone, but I'm the only whose climbing the mountain. I'm the only who wants to see the view from the top, I'm the only one who wants...
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I took this girl to The Tap I couldn't believe it! They have spicy food! There weren't that many people so I think I achieved the whole intimacy thing. frown They didn't have the food I wanted which was kinda sad and the only real problem with the quiet night out was a VLT machine that an employee had to reset the volume on, very annoying...
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Happy Birthday!!!!!!
happy birthday dude
I've got a hundred things to say to you
And at least half a dozen are true
I wanna take you someplace special to show off my affection
Someplace without any pretention

Grrr, lost the rhythm and the intent of what I'm trying to say. I like this girl, but I have no idea where to take her. She likes spicy food. We got none....
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She was a heartbreaker, a risktaker
She had the eyes of an undertaker
Her moves were smooth and she hit real hard
When she switched sides some people took it too far
She was on the inside, now she's looking in
She's coming back to make them for pay their sin

He was slow like molasses, looked like he didn't move
Like he was everyone...
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Hey, you know I'm pretty much evil too, I just rant while I'm at home and no one really knows what I'm talking about!!

As for the lighting, ha, that was because my friend was trying to take a picture of the two of us looking in a mirror, and she wasn't in the picture and she forgot to turn off the flash... as for Mr. Lahey and Randy, oh I will keep you posted!
She hates This Poem, Mustn't Write Anymore

She pushes it, she dishes it out
don't try looking behind that laugh or she'll turn your lights out
She's got an anger of flesh and bone no pina colada's no freakin scones
she's out lookin for love with boxing gloves on
She's proud she knows how to deliver she's got her mind made up and her hair...
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What's it called when you feel good when you see someone else in misery? I think it's a German word? Well, I might never be able to talk to a certain girl except for hello and goodbye, but I just read a friends email, hehe/sniff. He asked her if everything was okay, and she said yes. Then the next time he called she said she...
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Everytime we see each other we smile and say hi and goodbye, we keep going our separate ways down the halls, and every night I try to email something to you meanwhile I'm getting further behind in my studies. I wish I could articulate my thoughts. I saw you at the Spring Festival, it was good to see you. I starred at the corner of...
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I saw a girl awhile ago she wears suspenders and dyes her hair red, she's got a smile that switches between happy and sinister. I wanna tell her she reminds me of the porn star Tila, cause Tila's more than a porn star. She's been in like three bands, she's been on Nugent's farm and she really knows how to have a good time. Some...
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Girls are certainly tricky thats for DAMN sure. Its nice to know there are more of us sick bastards to enjoy Takeshi Miike films, etc.

We never did find out who was so mean to my car, but what can you do right? But thanks biggrin