Well, I had studied for a three years learning everything I could about how to write a movie script, how to do lighting, camera work, editing and sound. i plugged away every free chance I got into making my suspensful, action psychological comedy. Then I needed money, a crew, and locations. I asked a friend who had let me learn things on sets of his...
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Well, I had studied for a three years learning everything I could about how to write a movie script, how to do lighting, camera work, editing and sound. i plugged away every free chance I got into making my suspensful, action psychological comedy. Then I needed money, a crew, and locations. I asked a friend who had let me learn things on sets of his...
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Happy Valentine's Day...I know...I missed the one in Feb. and now I miss the one in July...PISS OFF!! Heehee, I'll try again next year...Maybe.

The Seventh Evening Festival---China's Valentine's Day

Begging for skills

Praying for a good harvest
The seventh day of the seventh lunar month is the Seventh Evening Festival, also known as the "Double Seven Festival".

Origins: According to a romantic Chinese fairy...
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Interestly enough, this constellation was also associated with the term "the Asses' Crib" or "the Asses' Manger." The reason for this association is that in the constellation of Cancer there are two stars named "the Asses" (asini). Most ancient sources agree on these asses being placed in the sky by the Greek god of wine and ecstasy, Dionysus. However, there are several different variations as...
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Areti was very fond of the stars and on the first night the stars came out and she told the campers some stories about the Greek Gods and their constellations. She'd look at Bob everytime she mentioned the hero of the story and gave him a little wink. The other counsellors saw a bond between the two of them growing and decided that the pair...
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This new look will take some time to get used to...I like it though. For the first time I'm allowed to post pics...I might post some from around the city...But I must mention I am a Lord Of Lethargy (one of the great lazy people.

It was 1985 and Bob was on his way to the LBC for two weeks as a camp counsellor. He...
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I'm trying to write a horror story for a girl I know...think I'll try writing it on here for the moment. I think I'll use the set of the LBC (Lumsden Beach Camp). I've never actually camped there. I did a few odd jobs there over my lifetime. The old cabins are still there in a state of decay by the new archery building. I...
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Fave Radio Stations

Until 2002 CBC FM
Until 2004 CBC AM
Until 2006 Radio Triple J
Now...Radio Free Satan
...and on the 6th day of the 6th month of the sixth year...I call in sick
I've been standing here so long my feet have taken root. I'd like you to be my bird, go out and see the world. And tell me what you've seen and heard. I'll be waiting.
Hmmm - do you really want me to tell you what I have seen and heard? I have been all over Canada and the States and working as a Medic in Moose Jaw on base has made me see stuff that I don't like to repeat puke

Kisses kiss kiss
Well the maid is only here once a week (and only because she is here mainly for the pilots). Our base commander thought it was only fair that if they can have a maid then we got one too blush Its weird though cause I always clean the house before she gets here tongue

As for the gym...well in the military there isn't really a choice over thatwink

And I don't have a GUN.....I have a RIFLEbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin

Kisses kiss kiss
She said I was like a big brother to her. I've never had a younger sister, but it's not like I ever wanted to treat her like a younger sister, maybe one a dem wild nuns on those old dumb vids. Sleepy, so sleeepy....

Who does that rap song with Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Danger Doom? Is that the band? Or is it Danger Mouse?...
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eeek How could you have been on here longer than me but I haven't met you yet?? eeek I thought I knew all of the local SGs here....guess notblush

Kisses kiss kiss
Stupid double post mad

[Edited on May 14, 2006 10:39AM]