I'am many things. Most of my friends would tell you that. I'm a.d.d, I'm a web designer, I'm a photographer, and many other things. I'm nine-teen years of age. Still young considering I cant remember the first four years of my exsistance. Some general things about me are I love well and hate harder. I'm very untrusting or we could call it "safe" about who I allow around me. I only like about four percent of the people i've ever met. I'm taken ladies whilst your compliments maybe flattering I doubt they are up to par as the misses'. I would hate for mah to have to run you over with our giant turtle Seymour. While we cant be lovers you are more than welcome to try to increase on that four percent. I work to achive goals. Thats where I am now. Working five days a week saving some spending some. I'm in what some people may call "automatic" or "auto pilot". So I'll add to this as things progress but for now my dear four percent i'm done.
Happy Birthday♥
I thank you!