1. Lost a job during a probation period
2. Spent more time with my family
3. Built a little burner for my “cigarettes”
4. Have changed how people will stand a child’s scooter up where it never falls over there for changing the lives of millions of parents
5. Eat shit on two seperate occasions going very fast on a child’s scooter. Dislocated shoulder will post video of me doing no hands 30 to 40km/h

6. Home schooled my child.
7. Made a billycart(video will be uploaded)
9. Started a crowed funded business for my son and three friends where it is based on education, creativity and guidance on being some of the worlds greatest games designers I will attach the go fund me page should anyone want to contribute, the kids are learning a lot on how to code Minecraft and Roblox at this point. The company name is bird lama koala
10. Starting a new business can’t say too much right now as it is one of my greatest ever ideas so far ( by the way the bar is quite low)
11. Constantly having FOMO for all the things I would not do if social distancing was not in place.
12. I built an digital antenna out of cardboard and foil to prove a point I made an Antenna.
13. Lastly finish pornhub today.
Sooo far and the shit hasn’t even hit the fan yet here on Australia, I truely believe that even under strict laws, not working you have the headspace to created innovate and be excited at the everyday and disappointed at the same time. I believe the best thing is I was always tired and now I am full of energy.