Physical and economic decline is a big concern but I just want to draw the spot light to the mental health impact this wordshaping period of history. And just want to make sure for anyone who is out there struggling and slipping to the dark that this is only temporary this moment is temporary you are not your mentality and not should we let it define us!
So keep that head up stiffen that upper lip and if you want to reach out shot me a DM zero judgement! #bekindtoeachother
I am trying not freak out and keep hope <3 Stay safe, babe
@camilafor Anything in life is alway one step, one bite, one post at a time you get the idea, normally with a clear destination in mind. So just focus on what Is in front of you try not to worry about what could be ahead of you. You can’t control the future so just take on the present life is far simpler this way, that’s what I do anyway.