This isn't my first time tripping I've had my fun with acid but first time with mushrooms and I am hoping to experience clarity through vibration outward so when I am completely open I hope to receive that what I put out if that makes sense.

But any must I should have with me?

Soz fuck me what a rant but you definitely got my gears moving just enough thanks @headshot
@IMAREDHEAD You are welcome!🤗

So love me some Anime I grew up on DBZ so that was a no brainier then Hunter Hunter Death Note one of the greatest thrillers ever written Anime or live Drama.

AOT is sick Demon S and I finally put the time in and cranked Naruto and Naruto Shippuden and let me say thank you very much what sick time.

But now I'm at...
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You can actually read it wayyy faster. Which is what I plan to do. I can't commit to over a month of non stop for a single anime. But demon slayer,  jujitsu kaisen, Tokyo ghoul and my hero academia are great options too
Just finished Jujitsu last night and MHA is a guilty pleasure have you watched Death Note and Hunter Hunter Tokyo Ghoul is on the list I'll start that next.

Last week a finance start up I worked for let me go for two reasons, performance and I cost to much to employ.

I wanted to be apart of my this business I believe it will be something significant?

How do I get them to not just rehire me but prove myself inexpressible?

Firstly reason for the firing me let break them down.

1. My...
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I am planning on going to a spiritual adventure expand my conciseness unlock my true north it's in Brazil but spending 3 days in LA to see if I connect with anyone I am dead serious I do not want to take anyone I know it has to be a new organic connection no history no love not hate no prejudiced does that make sense....
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Spiritual journey sounds amazing!
I'm going to push it to Feb but considering this journey is all about alignment external forces at play and finding how to move with change. I will message you on SG and insta on Christmas day then on Jan with the where and when if you get your ass there I'll have your position sitting there come if you want don't come if you want. But I will only send the two messages and see what the universe dishes up? @Rare

My son an I spotted this little guy and we made sure he didn't cross the road and made his way back into the bush.

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So each time those advertisment come on before a scene loads up the one where they say play a free porn game and cum in 60 seconds!

I don't understand why they ask you if you are alone before they explain what it is!

1 99.9 % of the time I am alone.

2 I can't imagine if you were with someone else in the...
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I had just only noticed that on olmost every toaster there is a setting on the dial for 5 and 6 sometime 7 and sometimes only 5, now stay with me why do we need to set a level that is higher than 4 typically the perfect level for a nice piece of toast right? There is no need to have a higher setting as
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Never thought about that before .. the thing with the frozen bread makes sense 🤔
I don’t buy that I can hold a piece of frozen bread and defrost it just with body heat those settings will still burn frozen bread they will just hold a little more moisture than reg bread and worst you will get bread sweat and burn  and if that was the case you would just as a third setting called frozen. Case closed no need to adjust the levels just have half, cooked, frozen! They did a study on how many prices of bread have been burnt and thrown away and they found that on a financial stand point they estimate 100 million dollars in wasted bread is thrown away due to burnt toast each year! @locknut158 @bluenicorn

Matthew McConaughy says “That’s what I love about these high school girls man. I get older they stay the same age“


Pedophile’s say about the victims that didn’t get away!

Too Dark?

5/8: If you had all the resources, time and land available to build whatever you want (a house, a park, a monument, etc.) what would you build?

Seem quite god like, apparently it only takes 7 days anymore or Minecraft

So my word would be populated by only one bread, race or creed cross breading for animals and homosingula is what we will be called...
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