My life has been pretty "game-obsessed". Becca got a Wii and a couple of Mario games not too long ago, and I ordered a PS3. I managed to wait it out and I'm getting the 80gb Metal Gear Solid 4 edition!!! So I'm totally stoked as it's supposed to be shipping tomorrow when it comes out. I already got the remote that was shipped two days ago, so I'm hoping to get the PS3 ad game by Saturday (just in time for my days off!) I also ordered another wireless remote so that Becca can play games with me as well. Other games that I ordered from Amazon for the PS3??? Grand Theft Auto IV, Gran Turismo 5, and some NBA '08 game. So I'm totally stoked about being able to play all these great games, and I'm hoping to convince Becca to get a Wii Zapper and Resident Evil Chronicles to start taking out some zombies!!! It's been really fun, and I'm going to die when my PS3 finally comes with anticipation. In the mean time, I've been playing a lot of Doom which I'm stoked about it because I got it to work on my Mac, so that's been really fun!
Becca shaved my head for me except for a strip in the back. I'm planning on letting it grow out a bit and then hopefully dreading it all crust style I guess. I'll hopefully get some pics up pretty soon, I'm starting up my Mac right now to start taking some pics. I thought that it wasn't too noticeable, but apparently it's very noticeable. When I walked into work, everyone was immediately commenting on it. When I looked in the mirror it didn't seem too noticeable, and even Becca told me that it wasn't that bad. Anyways, my boss saw it... I was almost certain that he was going to tell me to get rid of it, but he comes up to me laughs and says "Nice haircut". I asked him why and what was wrong with it, and he asked me to turn around, I laughed and said no way. He asked me if the strip was off to the right, I said that it's supposed to be in the middle. He went around me and looked at it, said that it was off to the right and then changed the subject.... If he doesn't tell me to shave it or get rid of it, I'm not going to, so here's hoping!!! Here's the pics that I just took:
From the front:

From the Back (I don't think it's noticeable really at all:

From the Side... I guess it is pretty noticeable:

Me trying (and failing pretty bad) to show how long it is:

Becca shaved my head for me except for a strip in the back. I'm planning on letting it grow out a bit and then hopefully dreading it all crust style I guess. I'll hopefully get some pics up pretty soon, I'm starting up my Mac right now to start taking some pics. I thought that it wasn't too noticeable, but apparently it's very noticeable. When I walked into work, everyone was immediately commenting on it. When I looked in the mirror it didn't seem too noticeable, and even Becca told me that it wasn't that bad. Anyways, my boss saw it... I was almost certain that he was going to tell me to get rid of it, but he comes up to me laughs and says "Nice haircut". I asked him why and what was wrong with it, and he asked me to turn around, I laughed and said no way. He asked me if the strip was off to the right, I said that it's supposed to be in the middle. He went around me and looked at it, said that it was off to the right and then changed the subject.... If he doesn't tell me to shave it or get rid of it, I'm not going to, so here's hoping!!! Here's the pics that I just took:
From the front:

From the Back (I don't think it's noticeable really at all:

From the Side... I guess it is pretty noticeable:

Me trying (and failing pretty bad) to show how long it is: