So I've started walking to and from work everyday which has been killer on my legs and makes me sweat a lot, but it seems to be less and less painful everytime I do it, so it appears that my body is becoming more and more healthy, or at least getting used to it. Anyways, I've only been doing this for about a week, and twice on my walks home I've been stopped and either asked for a cigarette or a "light". Who walks around between 1am and 2:30am trying to get cigarettes from people??? Not only am I surprised that people do this, but they approach random people who are also walking around at this hour asking them for one. I think that maybe I should start pulling some Clockwork Orange stuff and randomly beating people up, LOL. I wonder not only why they are walking around at this hour, but also why don't they have cigarettes? Is it because the stores are closed, is it because they can't afford any (which would also explain the walking), or what is it???
Will the world ever know???
Will the world ever know???