So I shaved off my full beard today. I assumed that it would be cooler since the temperatures have been so hot, and quite a few people commented on it yesterday, so I thought it was time to get rid of it.
After I had finished shaving however, my attention was (yet again) drawn to the entry hole of my vertical labret which I have had out for at least a year, but probably closer to two years. I thought that it would draw some attention away from my hideous chin and I decided to try and put it in again. It was very easy to get the piercing into the "entry hole", but getting it to come out of my lip was the really difficult part. I eventually was able to get it into the lip somewhat, but couldn't get it all the way through, nor could I get it to go through my lip going in from the bottom. Eventually I shoved it through however, and my old piercing is back!!!
I changed my main profile pic to a clean-shaven, old-new piercing in if anybody wants to check it out! Although it is pretty hard to see on the profile pic. Oh well!
After I had finished shaving however, my attention was (yet again) drawn to the entry hole of my vertical labret which I have had out for at least a year, but probably closer to two years. I thought that it would draw some attention away from my hideous chin and I decided to try and put it in again. It was very easy to get the piercing into the "entry hole", but getting it to come out of my lip was the really difficult part. I eventually was able to get it into the lip somewhat, but couldn't get it all the way through, nor could I get it to go through my lip going in from the bottom. Eventually I shoved it through however, and my old piercing is back!!!
I changed my main profile pic to a clean-shaven, old-new piercing in if anybody wants to check it out! Although it is pretty hard to see on the profile pic. Oh well!
awesome new profile picture mister !