I believe that man's only purpose on Earth is the same as any other species' purpose... to propagate and to ensure the continuation of its own species existence. So what happens when you don't want to propagate because you believe that there is already too many people in the world??? What if you don't think it's appropriate to bring people into a world that you...
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it's only from the greatest movie ever - That Thing You Do !
I just beat F.E.A.R. Extraction Point and I can honestly say that although it is an amazing game that did make me jump more than once, it wasn't as fulfilling as the original F.E.A.R. Maybe I was playing this game more frequently, but it definitely didn't seem to last anywhere near as long as the first one, and the ending was nowhere near as good,...
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I am loving Linux right now. Not sure why, but I guess when I'm using all three major operating systems at once, you can really tell the difference. I'm using Linux (and rarely Windows) on my main computer, Mac on my laptop, and Windows at work. The only problem that I have with Linux is that a lot of the games I play aren't compatible...
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So I got cable yesterday, and I was painfully reminded that whenever I watch sitcoms, I always see the same episodes regardless of how few ones that I've seen. I do watch some shows like the Simpsons, and King of the Hill quite frequently, so it's not surprising when I see reruns there, but not when it's a show I watch very infrequently like Friends....
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watertown eh?

that's only a few hours down the highway biggrin
Where are you from?
So another day of trying to survive complete boredom out in the middle of nowhere. Luckily I managed to escape in one piece, at least for a few hours, but am being forced to go back at gun-point after band practice.

My sickness continues. I slept with 4 blankets on top of myself waking up every 2 seconds to hack out my lungs and with...
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