John Frusciante, the greatest guitar player alive, of our generation, and maybe even ever, according to me
In between peppers albums hes usually putting out some solo stuff The Empyrean is his latest, and its pretty damn good.
The first song, Before the Beginning is a trippy little instrumental with reverse echo drum effects and the melodies and chord progression feel alot like Clapton and... Read More
Hello to all in SG Land.
After quitting WOW cause of my lack of enthusiasm for BC, I have returned to play Wrath of the Lich King and I gotta say its truly a step above. I'm really happy with it and spending lots of time playing with my RL friends, and meeting more in game. Good Times!
I went on an Apple store shopping spree last night and one of the things I picked up is the mac mini.
At long last I am jumping ship (r.i.p. windows, f-u microsoft) Never, ever gonna waste my money on a PC again.
I have all three consoles to satisfy my gaming needs, and now a mac for... Read More
The mac is sweet as hell. Windows pc is stifling to my creativity in every way, mac helps it flourish. So its perfect for what i want it for. It's great for working with pictures and music and stuff. highly recommended.
Tattoo #4
I LOVE the Red Hot Chili Peppers and been wanting this for a while. It's my first one in several years.
It turned out great I'm really happy with it.
This was taken within 1hr of getting inked, and my iphone camera threw off the color a bit. Its also very swollen and looks a little uneven in this pic but its actually... Read More