So I'm doing this whole "try to loose weight" thing. and I'm doing pretty good so far, 12 lbs and counting... I did all of that without exercizing. Neat eh? If you're wondering, I'm doing the South Beach Diet. I like it. you can get the book on Amazon, I'm not going to write everything out about it.
Anyway, In any given diet for the first week or so you loose the most weight, so I figure I need to start the whole "exercise" thing right about now. I'm not doing too much. I do 15 min of yoga in the morning, Then walk a mile. Before I go to bed I do 15 more min of yoga. and then at least once a week (usually wednesdays) I do Belly dancing.
I just got back from my walk, and I feel really good. That's very unlike me (not the feeling good itself, the feeling good after physical activity). I"m fat, and I got fat by not doing anything, and eating crappy. I took dance from the age of 5 until I was 12, then I quit, and since then I have pretty much made it a point to do as little physical activity as possible, I a have the body to show it
. I'm sick of it now, so I'm changing it. I guess the change is a good thing, otherwise I'd probably just feel crappy right now and want to go back to bed. Instead, I feel really good, I need to shower because I'm sweaty, but even the sweat feels really cleansing. Does that make sense?
You know what else I'm enjoying? The quiet. I take about 45 min to walk the mile. I take my time, I don't bring a walkman, and I like the alone. I was thinking about asking my friend Bonnie if she wanted to come with me, but today I realized that I don't want her too. Nothing on her, but I really like being alone and just walking, it's almost like a meditation.
Okay, I need to get in the shower, my Aunt will be here in about an hour to take me to church
Anyway, In any given diet for the first week or so you loose the most weight, so I figure I need to start the whole "exercise" thing right about now. I'm not doing too much. I do 15 min of yoga in the morning, Then walk a mile. Before I go to bed I do 15 more min of yoga. and then at least once a week (usually wednesdays) I do Belly dancing.
I just got back from my walk, and I feel really good. That's very unlike me (not the feeling good itself, the feeling good after physical activity). I"m fat, and I got fat by not doing anything, and eating crappy. I took dance from the age of 5 until I was 12, then I quit, and since then I have pretty much made it a point to do as little physical activity as possible, I a have the body to show it

You know what else I'm enjoying? The quiet. I take about 45 min to walk the mile. I take my time, I don't bring a walkman, and I like the alone. I was thinking about asking my friend Bonnie if she wanted to come with me, but today I realized that I don't want her too. Nothing on her, but I really like being alone and just walking, it's almost like a meditation.
Okay, I need to get in the shower, my Aunt will be here in about an hour to take me to church

good luck with "try to loose weight" thing. and if its working for you then well done!