what is interesting in the world tonight?
i took myself out to dinner at the standard and i had a drink. yay and stuff. i haven't had a drink in a long time because, as a rule, i don't like the taste of booze or the gross way it makes me feel. i've been such a stress bunny lately, though, that i thought i would have a nice dinner out and a little drinky-poo to try to relax. so i got a k cider and it tasted like crap but not as crap as beer tastes. i got about a third of the way through an eight oz bottle before i was light headed and woozy. it passed when i got some food, though, and i just sort of felt warm and wobbly. i don't think i'll be hitting the sauce again any time soon, but it was a nice moment in time.
so... another thrilling day for me, errands, dinner, driving around for two hours listening to love line (dude, there are some fucked up people on loveline!) and looking at people's houses and then laundry at harold's laundromat est.1950. i do all of this by myself because i don't really know anyone in albuquerque anymore. when did i become such a solitary animal? i'm a tad tired of doing everything by myself all the time. it would have been pleasant to talk to someone at dinner instead of read a book. i'm tired of going into a restaurant and having the host look all around me for someone else before asking, just one? and then standing there while they clear away the other three place setting from the table so i can sit down. really, i would like it if they left the other place settings there, then i could pretend that people like to hang out with me or that i know people or someone might be tempted to sit down and start talking or something.
i want a house. i whine about this a lot. i want a house with a smallish yard in which i can grow cucumbers, and an extra room for art supplies and making glorious messes in, and a real kitchen in which i could cook real food and bake real bread so i wouldn't be eating out alone so much. instead i could be eating in alone. i want a garage to store tools and crap in and to banash the dog to when she pees on the rug. i want to decorate stuff and store stuff and have a washing machine so i'm not folding my underpants in a public place at two in the morning. i used to have dinner parties, i fucking miss having dinner parties. i love the art of the old fashioned conversatiozzi. i want a fire place and a real bath tub. i want a mud room near the back door for dirty boots and the cat's litter pan. i'm definitely riding the want wagon these days, poor pitiful pearl that i am. so what i do is spend a lot of time driving around neighborhood streets at night and checking out houses and looking into living rooms where the lights are on and seeing what people have done with their houses and remind myself that there are other people on the planet besides myself and the waiter who served me a k cider earlier. maybe i'd sort of like to have some people, too, to go in the house.
peh, whatever.
i shopped at walmart yesterday and it physically hurt me. i like to support smaller local businesses, but i wish they would be open at night. i need to start a nightowl's club or something. walmart doesn't have a carpet knife in stock... rat bastards.
i'm still hating on my work situation. i have to keep reminding myself that i love the work and the kids and it's not worth it to leave the situation all together because it's the staffing issues that are pissing me off not the kids. well.. a couple of the kids, but they won't be there forever. it kind of irks me that i could make so much more money managing a team of whining customer service agents in a call center than taking care of kids who have been damaged by the world. you'd think the kids would be more important than people's computer problems and therefore it would pay better to take care of kids. america is bassackwards sometimes. so anyhow, this is me not quitting. i almost walked out of work on sunday night. i think i might have even said i was going to right out loud. i'm not sure if i did, i was stressed and pissed and overwhelmed and cranky and lots of other unpleasant adjectives. i can't afford to leave jobs in a fit of temper. i'm looking at the other facilities in town, though. they all pay better than the one where i work and if i hear they are hiring, i might make the move to one of them.
what a mundane blog. " this is me, here is what i did today, this is what i think" this is the stuff that blogs are made of. woot woot.
i got new effervescent grapefruit bubble bath at walmart yesterday, so i think i'll go sit in the tub and effervess.
.... fun with clicky emoticons!
i took myself out to dinner at the standard and i had a drink. yay and stuff. i haven't had a drink in a long time because, as a rule, i don't like the taste of booze or the gross way it makes me feel. i've been such a stress bunny lately, though, that i thought i would have a nice dinner out and a little drinky-poo to try to relax. so i got a k cider and it tasted like crap but not as crap as beer tastes. i got about a third of the way through an eight oz bottle before i was light headed and woozy. it passed when i got some food, though, and i just sort of felt warm and wobbly. i don't think i'll be hitting the sauce again any time soon, but it was a nice moment in time.
so... another thrilling day for me, errands, dinner, driving around for two hours listening to love line (dude, there are some fucked up people on loveline!) and looking at people's houses and then laundry at harold's laundromat est.1950. i do all of this by myself because i don't really know anyone in albuquerque anymore. when did i become such a solitary animal? i'm a tad tired of doing everything by myself all the time. it would have been pleasant to talk to someone at dinner instead of read a book. i'm tired of going into a restaurant and having the host look all around me for someone else before asking, just one? and then standing there while they clear away the other three place setting from the table so i can sit down. really, i would like it if they left the other place settings there, then i could pretend that people like to hang out with me or that i know people or someone might be tempted to sit down and start talking or something.
i want a house. i whine about this a lot. i want a house with a smallish yard in which i can grow cucumbers, and an extra room for art supplies and making glorious messes in, and a real kitchen in which i could cook real food and bake real bread so i wouldn't be eating out alone so much. instead i could be eating in alone. i want a garage to store tools and crap in and to banash the dog to when she pees on the rug. i want to decorate stuff and store stuff and have a washing machine so i'm not folding my underpants in a public place at two in the morning. i used to have dinner parties, i fucking miss having dinner parties. i love the art of the old fashioned conversatiozzi. i want a fire place and a real bath tub. i want a mud room near the back door for dirty boots and the cat's litter pan. i'm definitely riding the want wagon these days, poor pitiful pearl that i am. so what i do is spend a lot of time driving around neighborhood streets at night and checking out houses and looking into living rooms where the lights are on and seeing what people have done with their houses and remind myself that there are other people on the planet besides myself and the waiter who served me a k cider earlier. maybe i'd sort of like to have some people, too, to go in the house.
peh, whatever.
i shopped at walmart yesterday and it physically hurt me. i like to support smaller local businesses, but i wish they would be open at night. i need to start a nightowl's club or something. walmart doesn't have a carpet knife in stock... rat bastards.
i'm still hating on my work situation. i have to keep reminding myself that i love the work and the kids and it's not worth it to leave the situation all together because it's the staffing issues that are pissing me off not the kids. well.. a couple of the kids, but they won't be there forever. it kind of irks me that i could make so much more money managing a team of whining customer service agents in a call center than taking care of kids who have been damaged by the world. you'd think the kids would be more important than people's computer problems and therefore it would pay better to take care of kids. america is bassackwards sometimes. so anyhow, this is me not quitting. i almost walked out of work on sunday night. i think i might have even said i was going to right out loud. i'm not sure if i did, i was stressed and pissed and overwhelmed and cranky and lots of other unpleasant adjectives. i can't afford to leave jobs in a fit of temper. i'm looking at the other facilities in town, though. they all pay better than the one where i work and if i hear they are hiring, i might make the move to one of them.
what a mundane blog. " this is me, here is what i did today, this is what i think" this is the stuff that blogs are made of. woot woot.
i got new effervescent grapefruit bubble bath at walmart yesterday, so i think i'll go sit in the tub and effervess.

I usually make it a point to go by myself and take up the biggest booth in the whole place. Hello my first friend on this site. It took almost a year. I'm really truckin' now.