so yay for we decided to go see ministry and the revolting cocks after all. we even managed to spare the time to get the tickets before the show so we didn't have to deal with trying to pay at the door. we met some cool guy up in the balcony bar who let us sit at his table and even bought us drinks. bonus! it was kind of strange to watch that kind of show from a table like some sort of very loud dinner theater or something. very cool. i really like revco, i dug their set better than ministry.
we went to our regular thursday night club afterwards and my friend got incredibly drunk and ended up in the upstairs bar making out with some of the guys from ministry. crazy
two weeks now till nine inch nails, only i bet none of the bands will be hanging out in the albuquerque bars after that show.
<-- i've decided that this thing actually is the creature from the black lagoon.
we went to our regular thursday night club afterwards and my friend got incredibly drunk and ended up in the upstairs bar making out with some of the guys from ministry. crazy
two weeks now till nine inch nails, only i bet none of the bands will be hanging out in the albuquerque bars after that show.

Caught Ministry over here last year - was all fuckin loud & distorted though.
Revco should be touring here soon...