Oh goldfish, they say, your conviction that February is the worst of all months is totally psychosomatic. And worst of all, I start to believe them. And everytime I think to myself, hey! This isn't bad at all! In fact, things seem pretty damn peachy! February fucks me in the ass.
My laptop is connected to my ipod, I'm listening to some Cocteau Twins, when suddenly, silence. Beach ball of doom. Odd, but ok. I try to forcequit iTunes, nothin' doin'. But things like this have happened before. I simply unplug iPod, reset it, and carry on listening to the Cocteau Twins, because I've got them on my laptop anyhow. But after a few hours and some Yo La Tengo, I decide some Interpol would be nice. Interpol, however, is not on my laptop, but only on my iPod. I have about 30 gigs of music on my laptop, but my iPod is crammed with almost 60. Since last summer, I've been getting all kinds of awesome music from my beloved friends. Lately I've been thinking, man, I really ought to invest in an external hard drive and get all that music off my ipod, because it sure would suck to lose it all. WELL I GUESS IT'S TOO LATE NOW. Because when I connected Milady to Silny (yes, I DO name my electronics after my favorite literary characters. Shut up.), my laptop declared it could not read her. Oh, inscrutable wench! I ejected her, and discovered - all the music is gone.
I can't quite bring myself to hit "restore to factory settings", on the off chance that maybe she'll awaken from her amnesia. If anyone knows of a way to make her do that, please tell me, asap. Because I am a poor grad student who really loves music.
Goddamnit, this sucks. This really sucks.
My laptop is connected to my ipod, I'm listening to some Cocteau Twins, when suddenly, silence. Beach ball of doom. Odd, but ok. I try to forcequit iTunes, nothin' doin'. But things like this have happened before. I simply unplug iPod, reset it, and carry on listening to the Cocteau Twins, because I've got them on my laptop anyhow. But after a few hours and some Yo La Tengo, I decide some Interpol would be nice. Interpol, however, is not on my laptop, but only on my iPod. I have about 30 gigs of music on my laptop, but my iPod is crammed with almost 60. Since last summer, I've been getting all kinds of awesome music from my beloved friends. Lately I've been thinking, man, I really ought to invest in an external hard drive and get all that music off my ipod, because it sure would suck to lose it all. WELL I GUESS IT'S TOO LATE NOW. Because when I connected Milady to Silny (yes, I DO name my electronics after my favorite literary characters. Shut up.), my laptop declared it could not read her. Oh, inscrutable wench! I ejected her, and discovered - all the music is gone.
I can't quite bring myself to hit "restore to factory settings", on the off chance that maybe she'll awaken from her amnesia. If anyone knows of a way to make her do that, please tell me, asap. Because I am a poor grad student who really loves music.
Goddamnit, this sucks. This really sucks.
I'm sorry about your computer. I hope the situation gets better!
TGIM! Thank god it's march!